African Lion








Latin Name

Panthéra leo

IUCN conservation status

With their magnificent mane, resembling a crown, lions have been dubbed the king of the animal world.

To Overpower Large Prey, Lions Find Their Strength in Numbers!

Their main preys include zebras, antelopes, gazelles and wildebeests. Prides (groups) consist of up to twenty individuals that will hunt buffaloes, giraffes, hippos and elephants. Healthy adult prey is rarely targeted: weak, young or sick individuals are more often targeted.

A Fearsome Predator Dominating the African Savannah

Their jaws are powerful and equipped with 6 cm long canines. They use their raspy tongue to scrape bones. Their front legs are powerful, allowing them to take down small prey with a single blow of the paw. The hind limbs allow the animal to accelerate at speeds of up to 65 km/h.

The only Felines to Live in Groups

A pride usually consists of 2 to 3 males and up to 15 females with their cubs. The females are generally related: sisters, daughters, cousins, etc. The males' imposing roar is used to let others know that the territory is occupied. It can be heard up to 9 km away.

Population Decline of 50% over the Last 50 Years

African lions currently occupy 10% of the territory they historically did. Habitat loss, combined with a decline in the number of prey animals, are key challenges for the species' survival. Conflicts with human populations, especially livestock breeders, are also a factor.

Featured animal


Date of birth

May 11, 2015


297 lb / 135 kg


Born in Ontario, Cécilia moved to the Zoo in 2016, along with her brother Congo. Lions being the only felines to live in groups, Cécilia has shared a habitat with her borther since her birth.

Fun fact

More timid by nature, Cécilia sticks to her big brother like a shadow. However, she's very affectionate with her fellow felines. The heart-shaped rosette on her forehead suits her well!

Featured animal


Date of birth

June 6, 2014


442.2 lb / 201 kg


Born in Ontario, Congo and his sister Cécilia made their home at the Zoo de Granby in 2016. Being the only male among our lions, he can easily be identified thanks to his majestic mane!

Fun fact

Curious and driven, Congo is always the first wanting to discover what's going on in his environment. He's destructive and shreds any object given to him as an enrichment. A true king of the savannah!

Featured animal


Date of birth

May 11, 2015


297 lb / 135 kg


Born in Ontario, Cécilia moved to the Zoo in 2016, along with her brother Congo. Lions being the only felines to live in groups, Cécilia has shared a habitat with her borther since her birth.

Fun fact

More timid by nature, Cécilia sticks to her big brother like a shadow. However, she's very affectionate with her fellow felines. The heart-shaped rosette on her forehead suits her well!

Featured animal


Date of birth

June 6, 2014


442.2 lb / 201 kg


Born in Ontario, Congo and his sister Cécilia made their home at the Zoo de Granby in 2016. Being the only male among our lions, he can easily be identified thanks to his majestic mane!

Fun fact

Curious and driven, Congo is always the first wanting to discover what's going on in his environment. He's destructive and shreds any object given to him as an enrichment. A true king of the savannah!

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Adopt Congo

By adopting Congo, you are not only creating a special bond between yourself and one of our star animals, but you are also directly participating in the Zoo de Granby's conservation education mission.