Notez que le parc animalier et le parc des manèges demeurent ouverts et prêts à recevoir des visiteurs pour une belle journée au Zoo de Granby malgré le conflit de travail. Nous sommes conscients que le conflit aura de légers impacts sur l'expérience de nos visiteurs. Consultez la page Info conflit de travail pour voir la liste de ces changements mineurs à la programmation.

Substantial support for organizations around the world

Substantial support for organizations around the world
Financial contributions
$20 000 and more

Zoo de Granby supports local organizations and professionals in their field initiatives.

Every year, Zoo de Granby invests thousands of dollars to support a dozen organizations dedicated to the protection of endangered species. Thanks to this financial support, the Zoo is able to make a significant contribution to conservation initiatives across the globe. Here is an overview of the main conservation initiatives to which the Zoo de Granby actively contributes:

Snow Leopard Trust

The Snow Leopard Trust aims to better understand and protect the endangered Asian snow leopard in partnership with the communities that share its habitat. The Zoo de Granby supports the work of researchers in Mongolia by funding the use of technological tools, such as detection cameras, GPS collars, GIS modelling and genetic analysis.

Red Panda Network

This organization promotes education and the involvement of local communities, particularly in Nepal, to encourage the survival of red pandas in their natural habitat. The Zoo de Granby encourages this type of initiative, which fits perfectly with its mission.

WildCats Conservation Alliance

The far southeast region of Russia is home to the last surviving Amur leopards. Monitoring this feline population, estimated at around 70 individuals, is an essential component of conservation actions being implemented. Camera data provides a thorough measure of the population and territory used. The scientists also use more traditional methods such as snow track mapping.

International Elephant Foundation

Considering that a hundred elephants are killed every day by poachers in Africa, it's imperative to offer all the necessary support to eco-guards and scientists in order to protect this emblematic animal. The Zoo de Granby collaborates with efforts to fight against poaching and with mitigation projects for potential wildlife-human conflicts.

Ape Action Africa (AAA) PASA

The Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) supports the work of over twenty primate sanctuaries in Africa. Of these, the Zoo de Granby supports Ape Action Afrika (Mefou sanctuary), a gorilla and chimpanzee sanctuary located in Cameroon.


The SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction) program, part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), builds on the collective experience of accredited zoological institutions in saving endangered species. SAFE is a collaborative programme between AZA members and their partners in the field. There are currently 33 SAFE species within the AZA (2023). The Zoo de Granby is a partner in programs targeting the monarch butterfly.

Project Golden Frog - Proyecto Rana Dorada

Proyecto Rana Dorada's mission is to preserve the Panamanian golden frog, an endemic and culturally important species in Panama. Through scientific field studies, awareness-raising and other activities, the conservation initiative chooses this flagship species as a model for issues related to the decline of amphibians in Panama and around the world.

Dhole Conservation Fund

This conservation organization works to protect the dhole in its natural habitat, particularly in Nepal, where potential conflicts with cattle breeders can occur.

International Rhino Foundation

The Zoo de Granby is helping to secure the white rhino population in Botswana by funding the work of eco guards through the Stop Poaching Now campaign.

Lemur Conservation Foundation

Whether in their sanctuary in Florida or directly in the wild in Madagascar, this organization works to protect lemurs through awareness-raising activities, anti-poaching campaigns and projects to monitor wild populations.

Zoo Conservation Outreach Group (Condor des Andes)

ZCOG is working with the Fundación BioAndina (FBA) and the Buenos Aires Zoo on a collaborative, multi-institutional conservation and research initiative designed to breed in captivity and reintroduce condor populations to their former habitat in Argentina.

Help us protect them!

Granby Zoo is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation, education and well-being of animals. By contributing to its mission, you're supporting projects to preserve the animal world and their habitats in Quebec and around the globe.