

The Mission Faune Zoo de Granby Foundation is a non-profit organization with the mission of financing and promoting conservation, research and education projects for the preservation of wildlife, flora and the environment in Québec and around the world. 

It also supports initiatives aimed at the continuous improvement of our animal well-being here at the Zoo.

Mission Faune Zoo de Granby Foundation is celebrating its 30 years of activities!

That's right! For three decades now, the Foundation has been working tirelessly to support and promote the preservation of biodiversity here in Quebec, as well as internationally.

The Foundation works tirelessly to support the Zoo's mission by:

  • Making numerous conservation and research projects possible
  • Providing the Zoo experience to individuals from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Supporting various initiatives for the education and awareness of the animal world
  • Contributing to the continuous improvement of the well-being of the animals under our care

Discover the Mission Faune Zoo de Granby Foundation (In French)

Our Story

Founded in 1993, the Mission Faune Zoo de Granby Foundation has financially supported many projects over the years:

  • New feeding troughs in our elephants’ habitat
  • A project for reinstating bats
  • A new habitat for our Amur leopards
  • Social-community visits
  • Annual support for several international research and conservation programs for endangered species, such as the snow leopard and the Amur tiger.
  • Enrichments for the well-being of animals in the care of the Zoo de Granby


The Foundation annually contributes to a number of projects essential to the conservation of biodiversity.

Whether it’s by contributing to the annual campaign, planning a donation through your will, your stocks or your life insurance policy, or by participating in our benefit activities, we thank you for joining us in this great adventure, and for truly making a difference!


Whether it’s to reinstate spiny softshell turtles, preserve big cat habitats, fight poaching operations or support our research projects at the Zoo, each donation has a direct impact on the preservation of animal biodiversity. There are no small donations, only great impacts!

The Explorers' Feast

The culinary challenge where you are the judge! Join us for this gourmet evening where four chefs from our region will showcase their creativity and expertise on your plate. Save the date: April 16, 2025!

Ticket: $250 | Table: $1800


Offer a memorable experience to socio-economically disadvantaged youth. Each donation of $25 sponsors a visit.

Major Donations

If you wish to make a major contribution to the Mission Faune Zoo de Granby Foundation or a planned donation, please contact the Foundation management through e-mail: or by calling 450 372-9113, ext. 2102.

Contact us

Adoptive Parent Program

Get involved in our Zoo residents’ well-being by becoming an ambassador for the protection of nature and wildlife.


The Foundation offers annual grants to organizations committed to the protection of nature by supporting various conservation initiatives in Québec. The grant aims to finance projects focusing on the protection and valorization of native species.

This program is currently on hold. We will issue a statement when it resumes.

Sponsorship Requests

The Mission Faune Zoo de Granby Foundation is proud to become involved with communities, associations and organizations through the sponsorship of zoo passes.

Requests must meet the following criteria:

  • They must be presented by a recognized association or NPO, or propose an activity benefiting a recognized NPO
  • They must be based in the province of Québec;
  • They must operate in one of the following key sectors:
  • The field of health,
  • Children’s well-being and education,
  • The social community sector.
  • They must not have received any sponsorship from the Fondation du Zoo within the last 12 months.


  • Any project aimed at only one individual;
  • Projects linked to a political party or a candidate belonging to a political party, or any pressure group; 
  • Any project that could potentially be detrimental to the reputation of the Zoo de Granby, the Fondation or their respective missions.
Only one sponsorship per organization per year is permitted. Pass sponsorships are awarded based on a priority basis, the number of requests received and the available budget.


Since its first edition in 2017, the aim of the Zoo Race is to raise public awareness for the preservation, research, education and animal well-being initiatives undertaken by the Zoo's Foundation. Join the 2,000 runners and make a difference, while enjoying a fun activity on the Zoo site! Three circuits are available: 1km, 5km or 10km. Join us on Sunday, September 21, 2025! Registration begins on March 1, 2025.

Contact Us

Marie-Claude Landry
Director - Philanthropic Development, Partnerships and Sponsorships

Mission Faune Zoo de Granby Foundation
525, rue Saint-Hubert
Granby (Québec) J2G 5P3

450 372-9113, poste 2102

We Thank out Donators

The Mission Faune Zoo de Granby Foundation wishes to recognize the great generosity of all those who make a gesture for the preservation of biodiversity here and elsewhere. The recognition program is a tribute to all donors - individuals and organizations - who support the Foundation's mission.

List of 2024 Donators ; Donations of $500 and more

  • Anonymes
  • Béton Design
  • Caisse Desjardins de Granby Haute-Yamaska
  • Fondation Mathieu Sabourin
  • Gescon Symbiose inc.
  • iA Groupe financier
  • MRC de la Haute-Yamaska
  • Aubin St-Pierre
  • Cascades Canada
  • CycloFields
  • EmondExpert Inc.
  • Gescon Symbiose inc.
  • Métro Richelieu Inc.
  • Rona Granby
  • Soleno Inc.
  • Studio La Pomme Verte
  • Vortex Structures Aquatiques International
  • Anonymes
  • Richard Brosseau
  • Jocelyn Champagne
  • Catherine Collins et Pierre Forest
  • Lucien Gatien
  • Paul Gosselin
  • Marie-Claude Landry
  • David Rhéaume
  • Annie Rousseau
  • Mélina Roy
  • Lucie St-Arneault
  • Manon Tessier

Presenting Partners:

  • RBC Banque Royale

In collaboration with :

  • L’hon. François Bonnardel
  • Cascades
  • Coca-Cola
  • Essor Assurances
  • Oasis
  • Prime Val-Nature
  • Comeau & Fils
  • EXP inc.
  • Favreau Blais Associés Architectes
  • GC Brieau
  • GNR Corbus
  • Groupe Allaire Gince infrastructures
  • Revêtements Agro
  • Tradelco


The Foundation's administrators are appointed by the Board of Directors of the Société zoologique de Granby, from among the members in good standing of the SZG Board.

  • President: Jean-François Dumas
  • Vice-president: Richard Brosseau
  • Treasurer: Simon Lapointe
  • Secretary: Paul Gosselin