Notez que le parc animalier est en opération de 11h à 16h et prêt à recevoir des visiteurs pour une belle journée au Zoo de Granby malgré le conflit de travail. Consultez la page Info conflit de travail pour tous les détails.

Amazonian Slides

Amazonian Slides


Experience the thrill of the Amazonian Slides*, three double tube slides launched from an almost 15-metre high tower!

From the top, choose between the Anaconda, a fully covered slide, the Piranha, with a giant bowl, or the Ara, with open and closed sections.

* The minimum height requirement for our slides is 48 inches (1.22 m).

Amazoo Park Regulations

When using the Amazoo installations, you'll need to follow certain rules specific to the water park outlining the proper behaviour to adopt to ensure you have a pleasant and safe experience.

Discover all our attractions of the Amazoo Water Park