Notez que le parc animalier est en opération de 11h à 16h tous les week-ends et pour la semaine de relâche. Nous sommes prêts à recevoir des visiteurs pour une belle journée au Zoo de Granby malgré le conflit de travail. Consultez la page Info conflit de travail pour tous les détails.

The Hurakan Adventure

The Hurakan Adventure


Awaken the wrath of the storm god and experience a totally thrilling adventure! As thunder and lightning rage, do your best to appease his wrath and follow the flow of the waves as they're unleashed by the elements!

To reach Hurakan, you'll have to cross a long river strewn with floating animals, bypass a volcano as you prepare yourself for this exciting challenge!


At the Zoo de Granby, we're ready to dazzle you!

To reproduce the legend of Hurakan, several special effects were used, as well as a powerful soundtrack, both helping to exacerbate the fury of the wind, storm and fire god!

Amazoo Park Regulations

When using the Amazoo installations, you'll need to follow certain rules specific to the water park outlining the proper behaviour to adopt to ensure you have a pleasant and safe experience.

Discover all our attractions of the Amazoo Water Park