News from our bat refuge

News from our bat refuge
Conservation and research

In operation since last November, about twenty bats have been benefiting from the excellent care provided to them since their arrival. 

We had the chance to accompany Mr. bats himself, biologist Louis Lazure, during a day dedicated to their feeding.

By happy coincidence, three new residents arrived at the Refuge and were examined by our veterinary team before enjoying a good meal. This was the perfect opportunity for you to notice just how sharp and tiny their teeth are—which is why our team equips themselves with thick gloves for handling! The recovery and care of bats disturbed during their hibernation are directly part of our Mission Faune conservation initiative: Louis Lazure explains why in the video! (video in french only)

Découvrez notre refuge de chauves-souris avec notre expert Louis Lazure (in french)

What to do if you find a bat in winter?

Don't hesitate to reach out to us: 450-372-9113 ext. 2176.