About the Zoo

About the Zoo

A passion for the preservation of the animal world that has been ongoing for over 70 years.

A respected conservation organization and prime tourism destination, the Zoo de Granby was founded by a visionary man who truly cared about animals. What was then only a menagerie changed with time, shaped by the many kind-hearted people who succeeded one another and who shared his vision.

Our Mission: Act to Preserve Wildlife

Home to an animal population of which more than 25% have been classified as endangered in nature, the Zoo de Granby is committed to the preservation and development of the world's wildlife.

Considered to be true Noah's arks, accredited zoological institutions, such as the Zoo de Granby, contribute to maintaining viable populations of endangered species in their natural environment.

They're also actively involved in and fund both local and global nature conservation programs.

 With nearly 900,000 visitors annually, the Zoo de Granby is an exceptional venue for educating and for raising awareness about the importance of the ecological role played by each species and how everyone can help to protect them.

Because, beyond words, more than ever, we must all act together to preserve the animal world.



In its 70 years of operation, the Zoo de Granby has spanned the ages, modernized its approach and facilities, and left its mark on the imaginations of over 30 million visitors since its incorporation in 1953. The public is invited to come and celebrate with us, throughout the summer of 2023!

Our Accreditations

Association of Zoos and Aquariums - AZA

The Zoo de Granby is one of seven institutions in Canada to be accredited by the AZA. This non-profit organization has as its primary mission the continual improvement of zoological practices. 

The organization includes over 235 institutions in the United States and worldwide. These institutions meet the highest standards of animal well-being!

World Association of Zoos and Aquariums -WAZA

Uniting nearly 400 institutions worldwide, WAZA promotes the collaboration and the sharing of information between the world's leading zoos, aquariums, national and regional associations. It also provides important support to its members for various conservation initiatives in the wild. 

Twelve Canadian institutions are members of the organization, including the Zoo de Granby.

Our certifications


Key consultant for Tourisme Québec regarding accessibility, Kéroul is a non-profit organization which, through information and lobbying, promotes and develops accessible tourism and culture.

Aliment du Québec

Founded in 1996 by the members of the Québec Agri-Food Sector, Aliments du Québec is a non-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote the agri-food industry through the Aliments du Québec and Aliments préparés au Québec brands and their respective variations, for the benefit of the Quebec economy.

Fièrement Vélo

Businesses that adhere to the Fièrement Vélo! certification commit to providing general information about the cycling network and to distributing the Estriade bike guide upon request. Additionally, they receive a kit and locks to secure or repair a bike on-site.

Meet our experts

365 days per year, our animal experts work tirelessly for the well-being of our animals, highlighting their ecological role and conservation.

A Little Bit of History

It all started with M. Pierre-Horace Boivin

He was a man who had a profound impact on the history of the city of Granby. In fact, he was its Mayor between 1939 and 1964 and was a great industrial leader, who had always been a great animal lover. As a young man, he owned half a dozen dogs, then horses, and also a goat, born with only three legs.

Shortly after being elected, he harboured the dream of providing his city with a real zoo. In 1944, he persuaded three of his friends to give him a piece of land along Bourget Street and from then on, the Zoo de Granby laid the groundwork for its foundation.

However, space soon ran out as Mr. Boivin took advantage of his numerous trips abroad to ask his hosts for animals for his zoo

A Solution for the Lack of Space

In 1953, the Notre Dame parish gave a 60-acre parcel of land to Mr. Boivin to permanently establish his Zoo. In fact, the Zoo is still located here today! That same year the Société zoologique de Granby was born and would, from that point on, ensure the Zoo's management and development.

The first years of the Zoo are strewn with anecdotes: the arrival of Ambika, the baby elephant, offered by Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India, to the children of Granby in response to a letter they had sent; or the beavers presented to Prince Rainier of Monaco as a wedding gift.

Indeed, Mr. Boivin took advantage of every opportunity to make his city shine while adding to the Zoo's population.

Installations Constantly Being Modernized

From a friendly menagerie in a visionary man's backyard, the Zoo de Granby has evolved into a dynamic conservation institution and a major tourist destination. It invites its visitors to travel across the continents and observe this amazing wildlife arriving from all over the world, which must be protected.

Our teams work tirelessly in order to provide an unparalleled immersive experience and offer the best possible installations to our patrons and the animals in our care.

Our 2022-2030 master plan calls for investments of nearly $51 million over the next few years, perpetuating Mr. Boivin's vision for generations to come

A New Brand Image

To this end, the Zoo has adopted a new brand image as of 2019 that captures the spirit of change and the Zoo de Granby's corporate vision. 

A modern, playful and unifying image that reflects our leadership status and our vision, as well as our dedication to animal wellbeing both at the Zoo and in nature!

Prizes, awards and achievements

MARKETING AWARDS - Winner of 2 GOLD awards:

  • Category : TV – Small budget
  • Category : Out of home (advertising print)

PRIX IDEA - Winner of 9 awards:

Category Advertising creation SILVER

  • Loin VS Lion - Zoo de Granby - Online advertising
  • Rapprochez-vous des animaux - Zoo de Granby - Radio campaign

BRONZE Advertising Creation Category

  • Les dessins parlants - Zoo de Granby - Video - Advertising films - 30 seconds (one-off)
  • Les dessins parlants - Zoo de Granby - Video - Promotional films - Various formats (campaign)
  • Le Zoo l'hiver - Zoo de Granby - Print - Print advertising
  • Les dessins - Zoo de Granby - Print - Print campaign
  • Le tigre - Zoo de Granby - Display - Large-format display (one-off)
  • Les dessins - Zoo de Granby - Billboard - Large format billboard (campaign)
  • Rapprochez-vous des animaux - Zoo de Granby - Other - Integrated campaign

Cannes Lions Awards - 2 nominations:

  • ''Shortlist'' for ''Sketchy animals'' Campaign in the category Travel, Leisure, Retail, Restaurants & Fast Food Chains
  • Distinction Award for Nonprofit Organizations at the Eastern Townships Environmental Excellence Awards Gala by the Eastern Townships Environmental Foundation and CRÉE. We were honored in the small and medium enterprise category for our efforts in species at risk conservation in Estrie over the past 10 years.
  • Environmental Recognition Award from the City of Granby for our project on monitoring swallows and Eastern bluebirds through a network of 63 nesting boxes.
  • Peter Karsten Award (presented by Canada's Accredited Zoos and Aquariums for habitat restoration or species recovery in the wild) - Conservation of elephants and gorillas at Campo Ma'an National Park, Cameroon.
  • Winner for the Prix Excellence Tourisme in the categories of :
    • Communication and marketing
    • Human Resources Management - Innovative Practices
  • Finalist for the Prix Excellence Tourisme in the categorie of : Employee of the Year - Jeffrey Decelles
  • Thomas R. Baines Award - Grande Institution (Canadian Accredited Aquariums and Zoos Award for Excellence in Habitat Design and Development) - New Multi-Species Rhino Habitat
  • Zoo/Aquarium Professional of the Year Award (presented by Canadian Accredited Aquariums and Zoos) - Rock Boily, Veterinary Technician
  • Thomas R. Baines Award - Large Facilities for the new lion habitat inaugurated in the summer of 2019 (presented by Canada's Accredited Zoos and Aquariums)
  • The bronze recipient at the ADC 99th Annual Awards with lg2 in the Branding - Logo category
  • Samuel Grenier, Director of Operations, recipient of the Bill Brown Award, Emerging Talent in Tourism, at the 2020 Distinction Awards organized by Tourisme Montréal.
  • Finalist in the Human Resources Management Initiative category presented by Prix excellence tourisme
  • Finalist at the Numix Awards in the Youth-Interactive Production category for Dino Techno (augmented reality game Transform yourself into a dino, interactive table and application Find dinosaur eggs) developed with Productions Version 10

Governing Board

  • Simon Lapointe, President
  • Jean-François Dumas, 1st Vice President
  • Richard Brosseau, 2nd Vice President
  • Carole Beaulieu, Administrator
  • Sarah Coulombe, Administrator
  • Michel Delorme, Administrator
  • Guy Desrosiers, Administrator
  • Jean-François Dumas, Administrator
  • Julie Gagné, Administrator
  • Philippe Gosselin, Administrator
  • Maxie Lafleur, Administrator
  • Mélina Roy, Administrator
  • Réal Deslauriers, Past President 
  • David Rhéaume, Legal Adviser

Management staff

  • Paul Gosselin, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Secretary

In alphabetical order :

  • Annie Rousseau, Director - Finance and Administration
  • Frédérik Brault, Director - Development, Construction & Maintenance
  • Frédérik Brault, Director - Animal Care (interim)
  • Hélène Bienvenue, Director - Sales, Marketing & Communications
  • Jeffrey Decelles, Director - Operations
  • Lucie Saint-Arneault, Director - Human Resources
  • Marie-Andrée Hunter, Director - Education & Sustainable Development
  • Marie-Claude Landry, Director - Philanthropic Development, Partnerships and Sponsorships
  • Mireille Forand, Executive Assistant
  • Patrick Laurin, Director - IT
  • Patrick Paré, Director - Conservation & Research
  • Samuel Grenier, Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer