Notez que le parc animalier est en opération de 11h à 16h tous les week-ends et pour la semaine de relâche. Nous sommes prêts à recevoir des visiteurs pour une belle journée au Zoo de Granby malgré le conflit de travail. Consultez la page Info conflit de travail pour tous les détails.

Coconut Lorikeet

Coconut Lorikeet






Forests and mangroves

Latin Name

Trichoglossus haematodus

IUCN conservation status

This gorgeous, small brightly coloured parrot belongs to a large family of over 370 species!

A hairy tongue, perfectly adapted for nectar and pollen collection

The lorikeet’s distinctive tongue is covered with small, hairy protrusions called papillae. The bird rubs these against its palate to retrieve absorbed nectar. The lorikeet is also able to grind flowers, fruit and buds. At the zoo, lorikeets can drink a nectar formulation straight from visitors’ hands during operating hours.

A solid beak and agile feet fit for a true acrobat

Lorikeets’ slender wings allow them to skilfully move between trees. When flying in a straight line, they can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h! They have zygodactyl feet, meaning that each foot has two toes in the front and two in the back. These, along with lorikeets’ beak, allows them to climb and move objects with remarkable prowess.

They live in groups but form lifelong couples

Coconut lorikeets are monogamous. Couples are formed within their group, which is made up of a few dozen individuals to a few hundred. Being very active and particularly loud, they are in constant audio contact with the rest of the group. At night, a single roost can number tens of thousands of birds resting together!

Captured for pet trade, its population is monitored

Estimations indicate that the species abounds in nature. Though the exact number of these lorikeets in their natural habitat is unknown, some populations are deemed to be in decline.

Other animals from Oceania