Notez que le parc animalier est en opération de 11h à 16h tous les week-ends et pour la semaine de relâche. Nous sommes prêts à recevoir des visiteurs pour une belle journée au Zoo de Granby malgré le conflit de travail. Consultez la page Info conflit de travail pour tous les détails.

Japanese Serow

Japanese Serow






Mixed forest

Latin Name

Capricornis crispus

IUCN conservation status

Called goat wolves (or goat werewolves), serows are only found on 3 Japanese islands.

Finding Food under a Blanket of Snow in Winter

Serows feed on buds, leaves, plant shoots, fallen acorns, seeds and grass. Even if their water needs are partially met by their diet, they still need to drink from a spring occasionally.

Nimble even in Hard to Reach Nooks!

Serows are excellent climbers and move with ease over steep slopes and cliffs; the cushiony surface under their hooves hugs the rock and clings to it as they move about. Their colouring blends perfectly with the rocky environment in which they find shelter, making it difficult for predators to spot them.

A life based on every individual for themselves

Japanese serows are mainly solitary creatures. Occasionally, small family groups (a couple and their young) can be seen, but these associations are temporary. Confrontations between males are impressive, one trying to gore the other in the flanks. The outcome of these fights can be fatal.

Hunted for Many Years, Protection Measures Have Paid Off

It's estimated that there are just over 100,000 serows in Japan. Hunted for a long time for their fur and meat, they were designated as being a "natural heritage" in 1934. By living in mountainous regions, which humans don't exploit very much, they benefit from a certain amount of protection.

Other animals from Asia