Western Lowlands Gorillas
Western Africa
Tropical Forests
Latin Name
Gorilla gorilla gorilla
IUCN conservation status
- Extinct
- Critically endangered
- Endangered
- Vulnerable
- Near threatened
- Least concern
These giants among primates live in family clans led by a dominant male called the silverback.
Interesting informations

Strict Herbivores Weighing up to 275 kg
Mainly folivorous (leaf eaters), western lowland gorillas also include fruits, buds, seeds and roots in their diet. These big primates are active between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. spending their time eating and napping.

Powerful and Muscular, They Rely on Intimidation to Avoid Confrontation
Gorillas are the strongest primates in the animal kingdom: unlike humans, their arm muscles are more developed than their leg muscles. Before they strike, males generally try to intimidate their opponents: by screaming, faking attacks, drumming on the chest, etc.

A Tight and Complex Family Life
Groups usually consist of a family unit comprising an adult male and two or three females with their offspring. While the young are in close contact with their mother during the first months, they spend more time with each other in the following months. The male is very protective and gentle with his offspring.

Pushed to the Brink of Extinction, Only Drastic Measures Will Save Gorillas
Gorillas bear the brunt of Africa's armed conflicts, loss of habitat, hunting and poaching, and human-transmitted diseases. Despite the creation of protected areas, the lack of resources makes it difficult to protect their habitats.
Featured animals

Date of birth
February 8, 1998
360.8 lb / 164 kg
Accompanied by his brother Zwalani, Jawara moved to Granby Zoo in 2006.
Fun fact
Jawara is very cooperative during biomedical trainings. Our technicians keep him motivated with special rewards like nuts, which he loves!

Date of birth
January 14, 2000
371.8 lb / 169 kg
Zwalani arrived at the Zoo de Granby in 2006 with his big brother Jawara. Both were born in the Calgary Zoo, but left when they reached adulthood in order to avoid conflicts related to dominance!
Fun fact
Curious and cheeky, Zwalani learned his best tricks from his brother. With a branch, he can easily knock over a bucket of water or pull a bowl of nuts closer to him. Nothing can stop this gorilla!

Date of birth
May 12, 1999
391.6 lb / 178 kg
Louis was born at the St. Louis Zoo and arrived at the Granby Zoo in February 2020, after a stay of over 15 years at the Philadelphia Zoo. The gorilla became a web sensation in 2018 after a video of him walking upright on his hind limbs went viral.
Fun fact
Louis is imposing, primarily due to his stature (just under 2 meters when standing upright). He puts this to use, especially with new technicians, by giving some intimidating displays when he doesn't recognize faces. The big guy also doesn't like getting his hands dirty.

Date of birth
June 29, 2002
327.9 lb / 149 kg
Kuchimba already formed a bachelor male duo with Louis at the Philadelphia Zoo before arriving at the Granby Zoo in February 2020. He is the smallest of our 4 male gorillas.
Fun fact
Kuchimba has a generally gentle temperament, especially in the presence of the technicians who care for him. However, he can sometimes be playful during biomedical training. He particularly enjoys peanuts and fruits as treats.