Animal "sens"sations
Get ready to explore all your senses and head out on an adventure!
Animal species are disappearing at an alarming rate: should we be concerned or is this normal? Learn more about the causes of species extinction, but more importantly, why it's so important to preserve them all! With the help of an audiovisual presentation, a zoo biologist presents various threatened species and the reasons for their massive extinction since the start of the modern era. Find out how we can take action to actively contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.
Discovery workshop and guided tour of the site.
* Free for teachers and special educators; minimum 15 participants. No taxes apply to educational workshops.
Other relevant workshops
Fascinating feces!
An original excremental visit during which you'll discover animal species from a new angle, both fragrant and fascinating!
From 1 septembre to 10 mai
2h or 3:30 hours
The zoo in winter
What do animals do during the cold season? How do animals adapt when the snow and cold weather arrive?
From 1 novembre to 10 mai
2h or 3:30 hours
Behind the scenes zoological careers
From veterinarians to animal care technicians and biologists, the Zoo de Granby is a veritable hive of activity where many specialties work together to ensure the well-being of our animals.
From 1 septembre to 10 mai
2 or 3:30 hours