The zoo in winter
A guided visit that takes you right to the heart of winter!
What do animals do in the cold season? While some animals don’t mind the harshness of winter, others prefer warmer temperatures. But how do animals adapt when the snow and the cold weather arrive?
Discovery workshop and guided tour on the site.
* Free for teachers and special educators; minimum 15 participants. No taxes apply to educational workshops.

Other relevant workshops
Animal "sens"sations
As you come into contact with our extraordinary animals, discover their most extraordinary senses and the "superpowers" they've developed.
From 1 septembre to 16 mai
3:30 hours
Fascinating feces!
An original excremental visit during which you'll discover animal species from a new angle, both fragrant and fascinating!
From 1 septembre to 10 mai
2h or 3:30 hours
Nature adrift
Our beautiful planet is at risk, but even small gestures can lead to big changes! Find out how together we can help our environment.
From 1 septembre to 10 mai
2h or 3:30 hours