Nature adrift
Let's work together to protect our fragile planet!
To better understand the main threats to our environment and how this could affect future generations! Fortunately, there are solutions to reduce the impact of our ecological footprint... and the Zoo de Granby is actively contributing to this effort.
Discovery workshop and guided tour of the site.
For elementary school students, ecological paper-making workshop using recycled paper and hippopotamus dung as part of the 3:30 p.m. program schedule.
* Free for teachers and special educators; minimum 15 participants. No taxes apply to educational workshops.
Other relevant workshops
Explorers' safari
In the company of passionate biologists and almost 1,500 animals, join us for an unforgettable Class-Safari experience by spending the night at the zoo.
mercredi 1 mai
5:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. the next day
The zoo in winter
What do animals do during the cold season? How do animals adapt when the snow and cold weather arrive?
From 1 novembre to 10 mai
2h or 3:30 hours
Behind the scenes zoological careers
From veterinarians to animal care technicians and biologists, the Zoo de Granby is a veritable hive of activity where many specialties work together to ensure the well-being of our animals.
From 1 septembre to 10 mai
2 or 3:30 hours