Cupid’s Whims: When Nature Dictates Relationships!

Cupid’s Whims: When Nature Dictates Relationships!
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

We all know that love comes in many forms—just take a look at the animal kingdom! 

Whether it’s casual flings, lifelong partnerships, or something in between, every species has its own strategy to maximize reproductive success and pass on its genes. 

In zoological environments, however, the game is slightly rigged since the element of "random encounters" is removed. Zoos act as matchmaking agencies, pairing individuals deemed genetically compatible. 

But while the ultimate goal is species reproduction, experience shows that Mother Nature sometimes has… other plans! 

Let’s take a look at the sometimes-complicated love lives of some of our residents.

IN A RELATIONSHIP : Crimson and Maple

Will sparks finally fly between our two little red pandas? Crimson and Maple have been together since spring 2024, and from the start, we noticed promising signs! 

They were often seen following each other around and even sleeping on the same platform. While these small behaviors may seem trivial, they were encouraging—especially considering Crimson’s past. 

She was previously paired with another male, Kelly, for several years, but she showed little interest in him, and their relationship never led to anything. 

Now, all our hopes for the reproduction of this endangered species rest on young Maple’s charm.

Crimson, Kelly, and Maple’s story reminds us that simply putting two individuals in the same space isn’t always enough to spark romance. 

For red pandas, attraction is largely driven by scent markers—like a personal calling card left behind for potential mates. 

Strong offspring can’t come from two individuals who can’t even smell each other! 

Has Crimson finally found her perfect scent match in Maple? Only time will tell.

Other couples at the Zoo

Kang & Elsa

Snow Leopards. Elsa is on her second litter. The couple has four offspring together: Jita (2021) and Raya, Nima, and Bao (2024)

Tica & Poui-poui

Two-toed sloth. One offspring for the couple (2025)

Taïma & Kuwan

Jaguar. Two litters for the couple, in 2015 and Estrella & Lua (2019).

Sun & Adélaïde

Andean condor. Two offspring for the couple, including the latest, Sierra (2021).


If you’ve walked along the Australian Trail during the summer, you may have noticed our 13-year-old male kangaroo, Kenzie, lounging in the sun, surrounded by his group of females. 

These ladies seem perfectly content to share the affections of this Australian king, living in harmony by his side. Kenzie has already fathered several joeys with different mothers—including his latest offspring, who still resides in Holly’s pouch. 

The dream life of a kangaroo, right? Not so fast! In the wild, the right to reproduce is won… through kickboxing!

To secure their harem, male kangaroos engage in ritualized fights to establish dominance. They stand on their toes, striking each other with their forearms, and when the fight gets serious, they deliver powerful kicks to the abdomen using their strong hind legs while balancing on their tails—OUCH! 

In this regard, zoo life gives Kenzie a major advantage: with no rivals to challenge him, he remains the undisputed prince of his domain, enjoying the perks of polygamy without the risk of being dethroned.

IT’S COMPLICATED: Rico, Goomba, and Koopa

Many have, at some point, entertained the idea of having multiple partners—but for Rico, our common marmoset, that dream quickly turned into a nightmare when he found himself caught between two admirers: Goomba and Koopa. 

The problem isn’t Rico himself—he gets along wonderfully with both females. No, the issue lies between the two ladies, whose interest in their bachelor is so intense that they constantly fight whenever they are near him. Neither is willing to share his attention. 

Stuck in the middle of this love triangle, Rico had no choice but to relocate with a pair of golden lion tamarins while we figure out a solution to his relationship woes.

Originally, common marmosets were thought to be monogamous, forming lifelong bonds and raising offspring as a team. 

However, recent research suggests they are actually polyandrous, meaning a single female mates with multiple males. 

In the wild, groups of one female and two males will form, with the female mating almost equally with both males during her fertile period. In Rico, Goomba, and Koopa’s case, we may have simply made an error in forming the trio. 

Until we solve this romantic mix-up, Rico’s male hormones will be kept far from these feuding females—who, interestingly, get along just fine when there’s no competition for love!

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